Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Message in the music paper This Train Don't Stop by Elton John Essay

Message in the music paper This Train Don't Stop by Elton John - Essay Example He therefore in a way connotes that he has evolved into a new world where he shall provide his fans with a complete different taste. He asserts that he has â€Å"put one over† on his listeners as a presumption that he has finally realized the inadequacy of the music he was giving them previously. Elton has encoded the message in the song in a symbolic manner as in poetry so that the receivers can keenly decode the whole information to deduce the meaning. The channel of communication in this case relates to all the devices and avenues through which the fans will get to hear the song including radio, internet and television. The feedback on the other hand refers to the output from the receivers as a consequence of absorbing the message in the song. Elton is very keen in keeping track of all the ethical standards expected of him as a songwriter and this is reflected in his careful selection of the words he uses. In a way, Elton appears to be learning how to cope with the str esses and challenges of living with drugs in a life of public fame and limelight. The concept of the train is an interesting analogy that gives the song its melancholy and sad tone as a show of frustration the writer seems to put across. The train won’t stop aspect of the song is a sad reality that Elton could no longer control his addiction to drugs and had abandoned his earlier joys of life in pursuit of satisfying the urge of drugs. It pains for Elton to realize that he was a special being in the past yet he does not hold presently own his earlier self. On deeper scrutiny, much of the lyrics seem to depict the image of a person reflecting upon their life, challenges and all the issues they have encountered in the course on their live. These realities are contrasted to the present

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Supernatural and the witches Essay Example for Free

The Supernatural and the witches Essay The story of Macbeth, like most of Shakespeares plays, tells a story that has a moral lesson attached to it. Macbeth was essentially a man who craved power but even when a prophecy was revealed that he would gain, Macbeth still wasnt truly satisfied. Instead, he went to great lengths to ensure that his power lasted longer than it should have. He submitted to the evil whims and plans of his wife, Lady Macbeth, and put himself in a position that destroyed his self respect, ruined his pride, degraded his honour, and spoiled his integrity. For my essay I have decided to base it on the witches and the super natural things, which take part in the book Macbeth One will always notice the many influences that Macbeth encounters before his downfall. Each one of these may have had some bit of impact on the final outcome. The three most popular causes of the tragedy of Macbeth are the main characters ambition, the witches prophecies, and Lady Macbeths influence over Macbeth. in this case, it is obvious that there was some other force behind him that helped him to change from a respectable, trustworthy man, to a deceiving murderer. In his encounters with the witches, Mabeth was introduced to that fact that he could have more power, and in hearing what he had to do to earn it, he was scared. However, with the witches making this power sound so grand, he was eventually convinced that his dignity was no longer essential. The witches, therefore, were what caused the legacy of Macbeth as a heroic individual to lead to his ultimate death and destruction. At the very beginning of the play it clearly shows that the three witches can foretell the future. They come into the play in the first scene during a horrendous storm and they have foreseen the visit that Macbeth is going to pay them. During Macbeths visit all three witches spoke in rhyme as if they were putting some sort of spell on him for example When the hurly-burlys done, when the battles lost and won They also give Macbeth a prediction, they did this because they knew it would encourage Macbeth to kill because they knew how ambitious he was and what lengths he would go to become king. At the end of the first scene it tells me that the witches have opposite values to us fair is foul and fouls is fair meaning good is bad and bad is good. The witches are very evil and vengeful. I know this because they send a sailor out to sea in a constant thunderstorm for several months. They do this because the sailors wife would not give them one of her many chestnuts. A sailors wife had chestnuts in her lap, and munched, and munched, and munched, and munched. Give me quoth I: Aroint thee, witch! the rump-fed ronyon cries. Her husbands to Aleppo gone, master O the tiger: But in a sieve Ill thither sail, and, like, a rat without a tail Ill do, Ill do, and Ill do. The quote explains why and how the witches gave such a terrible punishment. The witches are described as not looking like typical women. They are very ugly, old and they have beards. Obviously your typical woman would not have a beard. I know this due to the fact Banquo said to the witches live you? Or are you aught? This tells me that the witches are very old. Banquo said to the witches you should be women, and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so Clearly this shows that the witches have beards The witches prediction was correct; Macbeth did ultimately murder Duncan and his guards. He murdered the guards just incase they saw something and they were to people about it. Lady Macbeth helped Macbeth murder the guards by putting something in their drinks so they would sleep. Personally I think that Macbeth cannot be held totally responsible for the killing of Duncan and the guards. I think this because other characters did motivate him to murder them such as Lady Macbeth and the witches. So far in the play Macbeth has become Thane of Cawdar by winning the battle against the Norwegians and Macdonald. The witches give Macbeth three Prophecies, which are Thane of Glamis (which Macbeth already is) Thane of Cawdar and the last prophecy that the witches gave to Macbeth is King of Hereafter All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king here after The witches prophecies have already taken a big influence over Macbeths life. Glamis and thane of Cawder: The greatest is behind This meaning for Macbeth the next step is even better than the one before. Macbeth wants to become king but Banquo doesnt trust the witches he refers to them as the devil can the devil speak true Banquo believes that evil spirit would not tell them the truth. Banquo then said to win us to our harm meaning the witches are going to lead Macbeth and Banquo to their own destruction. Banquo was becoming suspicious of the death of Duncan. Macbeth Realises that Banquo heard the witches three prophecies he doesnt like Banqos suspicion so he arranges for him and his son Fleance to be killed. Macbeth wants his son murdered as well as Banquo because the witches have told him that they were the future King. Unfortunately for Macbeth there was a mistake in the killings of Banquo and his son. Although the killing of Banquo was very successful it was very brutal murder it consisted of 20 gashes to his head. His son escaped. That night Macbeth held a big celebrity banquet. This is the scene, which Banquos ghost appears. Macbeth being the only person, who can see him, turned and said to him Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me Obviously he does not react well to seeing a ghost at the feast. He denies having anything to do with the murder. When Banquos ghost reappears Macbeth begins to go mad and said to himself Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let earth hide thee Lady Macbeth makes excuses for Macbeth to cover up for his behaviour My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth: pray you, keep seat; the fit is momentary In the quote lady Macbeth is trying to say that her husband is ill and that the Banquet must come to an end due to this. Macbeth again visits the witches for one last final time. Whilst he was there he mentioned that he had gone so far into his murders that he might as well carry on I am in blood stepped so far, that, should I wade no more Also during his visit, the witches are joined by Hecate, who is the queen of witchcraft. This shows the importance Macbeth had in the forces of evil. Not long into Macbeth visit the witches start listing ingredients for some sort of potion, which contains guts, a toad toe, snake, eye of newt, a frog, bats fur, dogs tongue, a humans lips, nose and liver, a wolf tooth, and a finger of a prostitutes baby strangled at birth Fillet of a fenny snake, in the cauldron boil and bake; eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, adders fork, and blind-worms sting, lizards leg, and howlets wing, for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble The witches put all these ingredients into a cauldron to make a potion, which is made for Macbeth to drink. Once Macbeth had drunk the potion he begun to have apparitions. He saw an image of a head with a helmet this symbolised Malcolm coming towards the castle. I think the bloody child represented Macduff being born by a caesarean, the child with a crown on its head holding a branch I think represented Macduff becoming King as he was the only person who could kill Macbeth due to the fact that he was born by caesarean and not by a natural birth and the branch represented Macduffs army approaching Macbeths castle camouflaged into the woods hence the witches prophecy Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnham Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him and Banquo holding a mirror represented Banquo beginning a dynasty of royals. Due to Macbeths previous visit to the witches he proceeds to burn Macduffs castle to kill all his family but he fails to kill Macduff because he had gone away to rally an army somewhere in England. The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon fife; give to th edge o th sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line. No boasting, like a fool; this deed Ill do, before this purpose cool. When Macduff found out about the tragic, and brutal murders of his family he and his army returned to Scotland to kill Macbeth. Each person was carrying a branch from a tree, to form an illusion that they were a moving forest. Just as the witches prophecy said. As I said earlier Macduff was the only person able to kill Macbeth because he was born not of a woman, a lot of the army members have trouble trying to kill Macbeth but eventually Macduff killed Macbeth. Even in his final uttered words before his death, Macbeth refers to two of the witchs apparitions, these being the second and third apparition concerning the Great Birnam wood knocking at his door and his inevitability to anyone born of a woman:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

English Gcse Media Essay :: essays research papers

English GCSE Media Coursework 1. How does advertising reinforce gender stereotypes? Today in the late 1990’s we can not escape advertising it bombards us from all types of media and every aspect of our lives. It is a multibillion-pound industry that stereotypes genders and tells us what we could become if we use certain products. Men being portrayed as cool, tough, athletic and stylish reinforce the gender stereotypes. One advert I have studied which reinforces the male stereotype is an advertisement for ‘Old Spice, White Water’. The advertisement shows a businessman in a kyak kyacking down a white water rapid. This is stereotyping the male businessman by showing him as an adventurous and carefree person who wears ‘Old Spice, White Water’. So this campaign is obviously aimed at businessmen who see them selves as adventurous and care free. Another advertisement I have chosen to study that reinforces the male stereotype is an advertisement for an eau de toilette by ‘Givenchy’. This advertisement reinforces the male stereotype by showing a man in a space suit in outer space looking up beyond infinity. So as space men are looked upon as top class people who have achieved many peoples ambition to look down on the world this what he is portrayed as in the advertisement. The two advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes by showing the men as successful, and fearless. One is a business man kyaking and the other is an astronaut. For males this is how advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes. ‘Givenchy’ stereotypes Women as elegant, perfect and classy as in an advertisement for a perfume called ’Organza’. The same stereotypical role is also taken up in most other advertisements aimed at women. The woman in the advertisement for ‘Organza’ is pictured next to an enlarged picture of the bottle for the perfume. Both look similar with the curves of the body being translated into the shape of the bottle. Also the pleats in the dress are mimicked too. The background in the design is smooth and gentle showing and increasing the elegance of the woman. So this still and gentle setting is how advertisers stereotype females in advertisements. As advertising advances though advertisers are using reverse stereotyping to attract attention to their advertisement out of many. One advertisement I have studied that imposes this reverse stereotyping is an advertisement for a larger with a young woman in a snooker club leaning against a snooker table.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Eavan Boland Poems

The poem â€Å"This Moment† sees Boland take her inspiration for ordinary everyday domestic and common place scenes. It is a poem of intense tenderness that takes an ordinary event of a child running into its mother’s arms and deems it worthy of artistic expression. Boland uses very short sentences to that culminate to the climax of the embrace between mother and child. She uses images that are sensual and language that is rich and suggestive. The speaker’s appreciation of the everyday extends even to ripening of an apple, a process so slow that almost nobody notices it. These are things that happen out of sight. Boland uses the image of light to further this idea of things happening out of sight, as it is suggestive of people engrossed in their own activities. Perhaps, overall, this poem is a celebration of motherhood. It highlights the mysterious beauty of things we are usually too busy to notice such as moths swooping, stars rising and the beauty of the moment when a mother takes a child up in her arms. The entire poem is a series of images that lead up to this moment The Pomegranate In â€Å"The Pomegranate† Boland fuses together the universal truth of Greek myth to the modern day woman. She draws on the legend of Ceres and Persephone to symbolise the poets own maternal instincts, that is the parental desire to protect and shield the child from any harm that may come their way. Her daughter’s uncut fruit leads her to recall the pomegranate. Boland cleverly creates her own physical environment which mirrors the mythological landscape of Hades â€Å"winter and the stars are hidden†. She uses images in a symbolic way, particularly the image of the pomegranate which is a fruit associated with temptation. In this poem, Boland uses overtones of the Garden of Eden. She suggests that all those who eat this fruit are drawn into darkness. Boland then uses this motif of darkness to create a bleak atmosphere. It can be argued that the process that this poem deals with is that of sexual awakening. Boland uses the myth of Ceres and Persephone to provide an insight into the relationship between mother and daughter. She concludes with a terse promise that â€Å"she will say nothing†. She realises that the temptations that life will offer cannot be stunted by a mother’s love. â€Å"If I defer the grief, I will diminish the gift†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ut what else can mother give her daughter buts such beautiful gifts in time† Love â€Å"Love† is a beautiful poem which celebrates an intense moment of connection. This is an honest poem which deals with complex emotions. Much like â€Å"The Pomegranate† â€Å"Love† breeds new life into ancient mythology. It is a deeply personal expression of a powerful emotion. Bolan d cleverly uses simple and restrained language to mirror the theme of this poem. In the first stanza, the run-on lines mirror the emotional rush of the lovers’ first meeting. Boland’s lack of punctuation allows the poem to become more honest and sincere. As with any of Boland’s poetry, she moves between the past and the present. This movement is reflected in Boland’s choice of tense. She opens in the past tense â€Å"Once we lived†, however she changes to the present â€Å"I am†. The sands of time are not allowed to settle. All of this adds to Boland’s appeal. What Boland does come to realise is that the past is but a shadow and for all of its passion, it can never be relived. The Shadow Doll This poem â€Å"The Shadow Doll† is a highly symbolic poem. The glass dome that encases the shadow doll can be viewed as being symbolic of the expression that the institution of marriage represents for women. She opens the poem with an image of the wedding dress that is rich in detail. She comments on its blazing whiteness. Yet the speaker feels nothing but pity for the â€Å"glamorous doll† for all its glamour is an â€Å"airless glamour† as it remains contained beneath a glass dome. Boland imagines the doll having witnessed the intimate details of family life as a detached observer. She realises that the doll is a prisoner behind the glass. It may never speak or express the things it has experienced. It is forced to remain forever â€Å"discreet†. Boland creates a powerful sense of claustrophobia in the final lines as she repeats the word â€Å"pressing† which emphasises her own sense of desperation and urgency. For Boland this motion of pressing down mirrors the confines and restraints and the pressure of marriage. The power of the word â€Å"locks† refers to the vows of marriage which are reinforced by tradition and society. For the speaker, these locks will soon click into place, trapping her in the marriages â€Å"airless glamour†. White Hawthorn in the West of Ireland This poem draws on Irish superstitions. In essence the poem can be read as a beautiful and unique commentary about being Irish. In this poem Boland contrasts two very different worlds. She presents the west as an almost magical place where the ordinary rules of nature have been suspended. Boland’s language creates a haunting, mystical atmosphere â€Å"the hard shyness of Atlantic light†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. under low skies have splashes of coltsfoot, the superstitious aura of the hawthorn† In contrast the world of the suburbs is presented as a cultured area, full of â€Å"lawnmowers† and â€Å"small talk†. The poem celebrates the wild and magic west, as a refuge from the choking boredom of the urban way of life. For Boland it is almost sacriligous to constrain this wild and almost sacred plant; by bringing it indoors it was believed that it would be risking a terrible punishment from supernatural forces â€Å"a child might die perhaps, or a unexplainewd fever speckled heifers† In this poem the hawthorn serves as a link to our past and the journey the speaker undertakes is a journey back to the beay=uty of the west and its traditions. Boland uses of run on lines serve both to capture her excitement as well as to mirror the growth and fluidity of the wild hawthorn. She concludes this poem by commenting on the language spoken by these people; that is the language of superstition which Boland finds both fascinating and enthralling. The War Horse In â€Å"The War Horse†, the horse becomes a poetic symbol for the violence that has characterised Irish history. The flowers become the victims of war. They are the â€Å"expendable† numbers who are crushed by the great machines of war, scarified for some greater cause. The parallel between our casual reactions to the crocus’ death is designed to reflect our lack of concern with the endless tally of statistics in Northern Ireland. This poem is a highly crafted poem. Boland attempts to illustrate the carefree attitude of most people to the violence in the very structure of the poem itself as she is not confined or restrained by the rules of poetic verse. The poem is a graphic and vivid portrayal of the atrocities of war. She uses the damaged flowers in her garden to highlight the horrible and repulsive images of mutilated bodies throughout the poem. Boland captures the attitude of indifference. She concludes this poem with a powerful image of a landscape destroyed by conflict. The Child of Our Time â€Å"The Child of Our Time† transcends into meaninglessness of death and violence to produce something beautiful. For a moment the beauty of this poem eclipses the bitterness and hatred that have dogged Irish history. Boland invites us to find a â€Å"new language† so that we can put an end to violence that has resulted in this tragedy. This is a very honest, sincere and loving poem. Boland creates a sense of haunting finality in the simplicity of â€Å"you dead†. She employs words such as â€Å"we† and â€Å"our† to make us share some of the responsibility in the child’s death. The brutal meaninglessness of the killing is reflected in Boland’s choice of imagery. The image of â€Å"broken limbs† and â€Å"the empty cradle† serve to reinforce the tragedy. She concludes the poem with the effective use of alliteration. The soft sound of the S’s are tender and soothing â€Å"sleeping in a world, your final sleep has woken†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Resort Reservation System

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES – TAGUIG CAMPUS Project Proposal Resort reservation System Prepared by: Matitu, Ruel Llosa, Emmanuel A. MAAM: ANDONG Professor Project Proposal Project Title: Resort Reservation System Proponents: We the Computer Student’s make this Proposal for the purpose of Easy Access for the information of the Resort Reservation. Target Participants: All Customers that Looking for having A Vacation this Coming Summer. Objectives: To be Able to make a fast and complete services and information that provides your reservation.To be Able to make a Budget earlier for knowing the prices and cost that you may definitely pay. Project Description: Resort Reservation System is to be able to store the information from the customer and make them a reservation. This project is for the owner convenience, it will help saving all the information from the costumer into a database and manage the reservation properly. Graphical User Interface: + Functionali ty: Our System’s Main Function is when we started to Register on our Program and gave all Information such as our Name , Age and what Cattage that we wants o Reserved and Use. Our System will already make another GUI showing the compilation of reserved costumer information and when the owner wants to see the data of any of the reserved costumers it will show a Message Box showing the complete information of the costumer. If the user wants to save another reservation from a costumer he will just click the â€Å"New Reservation† on the menu strip likewise if he wants to have another inquiry he will just click the â€Å"New Inquiries†. It will show how much will be the reservation will cost after clicking the â€Å"Calculate† on the menu strip.All Information that they want to know on Resort Reservation System is already there by just clicking the â€Å"About† on the Menu Strip. We create this System to make our Customer Comfortable before taking up o n Reservation. Expected project result: If we accomplished to make this Proposal, This project will be used to apply it for the development of our Resort Management and improve the power of Technology. It makes also sense to those whom wants’ a partnership regarding on business.It may takes of many advantages in our Society and life will become easier to those whom looking for any Resort Reservation system. Justification: By Proposing this System, We can first say that the problem is when the Customer is looking for Reservation, By creating this system makes easy for all customer to know information about the capacity of the Resort by just clicking on this Program, We can say that All Information that they need to know whether its price and Capacity of Person’s, they manage and budget before taking up on Reservation Room or Resort. Let’s make Life Easier!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Craft a Compelling Story - Freewrite Store

How To Craft a Compelling Story - Freewrite Store How To Write With Impact Whether you’re writing a short story, novel or a sales page for your website, keeping your readers hooked is your main goal. If you fail to hook them, you lose them - and not just in the short term. They’ll remember how underwhelmed they were by your writing - and probably won’t give you a second chance. To have a positive impact on your readers, you have to impress them with your skill. Compelling content that almost forces them to keep reading will stick in their mind long after they’ve finished reading - and they’ll want to come back for more. That’s the secret to building a loyal audience that will benefit you long into the future.   Writers - just like you - come to me frustrated because they’re not happy with their writing. It lacks that attention-grabber hook that propels you from writer to storyteller. It doesn’t mean you’re not a great writer. It doesn’t mean you should quit. It just means you need to develop the skills. How To Write With Impact Writing a compelling story isn’t easy - not even when you’ve been doing it for years. You have to work hard at it, then edit, refine and improve until it’s a polished piece that could almost reach out and grab your readers by their lapels. It’s a skill you develop and practice, not something that’s innate - which is why so many writers get frustrated by the process. Related: Story vs. Plot So, what makes a compelling story? What techniques do you have to use to grab your reader’s attention and keep them firmly on those writing hooks? There’s no magic formula for this kind of powerful writing, but there are some key ingredients. What’s more, they work for content marketing, business writing and blog posts just as well as they do for fiction. Crafting content that’s compelling is a truly transferable skill. Let’s dive into the top 1.Show, Don’t Tell Okay, so this old cliche is so tired and worn out I really debated about whether to put it in - but despite its overuse, it’s still important. When you’re trying to hook your audience, it’s no good telling them how your character feels. Showthem, with a description that’s loaded with opportunities for your reader to slip into your character’s shoes and immerse themselves in the story. Related: Show and Tell Rather than explaining to your readers, you’re giving them the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Once they’re in your character’s shoes, you’ve started the process of making them care - and that means they’re much less likely to abandon the story early on. 2. Shock and Surprise Startle your readers with something they weren’t expecting. Marketers do this a lot - aiming for the shock factor - but it’s just as important if you’re writing a short story or novel. Make it truly shocking and unexpected and you’ll have your readers right where you need them. Related: Did you catch our April 1 'product launch'?   We encounter the unexpected every day - and how we respond is part of our learning process. Injecting something shocking into your writing keeps it real and (most) readers will be intrigued as to how the character handles what’s happened. Is it different from how your reader would respond? Is there something they can learn from this? The shock factor is a sure fire way to get your readers on the hook - because you’ve grabbed their attention. Now you just have to keep them on the hook. 3. Relatability Compelling writing is real, gritty, and doesn’t pull any punches. If you want to keep your readers on the hook, they have to be able to relate to what’s happening in your story. To master relatability, you have to know your audience inside out. What problems do they have? What in their lives causes them the most pain. If your reader encounters a character they can relate to, who has problems as they do, they’re automatically more engaged. Your readers care about the characters they can relate to. They don’t care about the characters they have nothing in common with. Far too often, the reason why you’re not hooking your audience is because you don’t fully understand them. 4. Raise The Stakes You’re writing about real situations (or situations that could be happening to your readers) - but that doesn’t mean you have to confine yourself to strict realism. Your readers have put themselves in your character’s shoes, been shocked by something, and can relate to the problem - so now you have to raise the stakes. What’s the worst thing that could happen to your character right now? Even if it’s not really likely, you have to raise your readers’ investment in the story you’re telling. You’re playing with their emotions now, and you can’t hold back. (Well, you could, but make it too ‘ordinary’ and your readers will slide right off the hook again.) When you raise the stakes, you create that edge-of-the-seat anticipation in your reader. You know, that feeling where you can’t put the book (or tablet, e-reader, magazine, whatever) down because you just have to find out what happens next. That’s exactly what you’re aiming for. 5. Mining The Depths Characters that your readers care about aren’t 2D cardboard cutouts. When you’re creating content - whether fiction or non-fiction - 2D cardboard cutouts aren’t going to get you the results you want. You have to bring your characters to life - so it feels like they’re living, breathing people bursting off the page. You bring your characters to life by creating layer after layer of details. To do that, you need to know everything about your character’s backstory (even if you’re just creating them for a digital marketing campaign!). I’ve had students tell me that it’s way too much effort for content marketing, and should only be for fiction, but it works for me and the results are worth the effort. It’s the little details that bring your character to life. Anchor them in real-life events that have enough detail to make it sound like you’re giving eyewitness testimony in the courtroom. Names, places, feelings, sensations, emotions - build the details until you start to feel like you are giving eyewitness testimony. 6. Make It Memorable Compelling writing leaves a lasting impression on your reader - which makes them remember you. Whether you’re a novelist or a social media marketer, your goal is to ensure that your reader remembers you. Compelling writing inspires loyalty in your readers, building an audience that is already primed to sign up for your mailing list or like your Facebook page. Making an impression on your readers isn’t easy when there are so many other writers trying to do exactly the same thing. You have to stand out. You have to get your hook so deep into your audience that they won’t be able to forget how your writing made them feel, or how your writing changed their life. One way to ensure that your readers remember you and remain firmly on your hook is to leave them with a feeling of unfinished business. Don’t resolve all of the conflicts in your story. Leave an unresolved thread that will be like a constant itch at the back of your reader’s mind. Refining Your Writing    Don’t expect your first draft to be a masterpiece of compelling writing. While some writers may be ready to publish after the second draft, most writers go through multiple drafts. I don’t put a number limit on my drafting process - I redraft until I’m happy that I’ve done everything I can. Sometimes it takes five drafts. Other times it takes fifteen. I’m a ruthless editor, too. Crafting compelling stories isn’t something you can do in an evening, sitting with your laptop on your knee in front of the TV. Cut out all the distractions and immerse yourself in your characters’ world. Distractions and interruptions only dilute the strength of your writing. Give your writing the dedicated time it deserves, and you’ll master the art of writing with an impact much more quickly.       About the author: Ariella is an experienced copywriter, editor, and digital marketing consultant. Driven by a passion for writing and content creation she takes pride in producing articles that deliver the latest information in an engaging manner and marketing campaigns that deliver exceptional results. Ariella has a BA (Hons) in English Language and Creative Writing (First), an MA in Theology and Ministry, and is a published author of three novels and a bestselling non-fiction book. A creative at heart, Ariella has 14 years’ industry experience and always aims to keep abreast of current trends and developments. She lives in the UK with her three beagles Zeke, Hope, and Sandy, who always make life interesting. How To Craft a Compelling Story - Freewrite Store How To Write With Impact Whether you’re writing a short story, novel or a sales page for your website, keeping your readers hooked is your main goal. If you fail to hook them, you lose them - and not just in the short term. They’ll remember how underwhelmed they were by your writing - and probably won’t give you a second chance. To have a positive impact on your readers, you have to impress them with your skill. Compelling content that almost forces them to keep reading will stick in their mind long after they’ve finished reading - and they’ll want to come back for more. That’s the secret to building a loyal audience that will benefit you long into the future.   Writers - just like you - come to me frustrated because they’re not happy with their writing. It lacks that attention-grabber hook that propels you from writer to storyteller. It doesn’t mean you’re not a great writer. It doesn’t mean you should quit. It just means you need to develop the skills. How To Write With Impact Writing a compelling story isn’t easy - not even when you’ve been doing it for years. You have to work hard at it, then edit, refine and improve until it’s a polished piece that could almost reach out and grab your readers by their lapels. It’s a skill you develop and practice, not something that’s innate - which is why so many writers get frustrated by the process. Related: Story vs. Plot So, what makes a compelling story? What techniques do you have to use to grab your reader’s attention and keep them firmly on those writing hooks? There’s no magic formula for this kind of powerful writing, but there are some key ingredients. What’s more, they work for content marketing, business writing and blog posts just as well as they do for fiction. Crafting content that’s compelling is a truly transferable skill. Let’s dive into the top 1.Show, Don’t Tell Okay, so this old cliche is so tired and worn out I really debated about whether to put it in - but despite its overuse, it’s still important. When you’re trying to hook your audience, it’s no good telling them how your character feels. Showthem, with a description that’s loaded with opportunities for your reader to slip into your character’s shoes and immerse themselves in the story. Related: Show and Tell Rather than explaining to your readers, you’re giving them the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Once they’re in your character’s shoes, you’ve started the process of making them care - and that means they’re much less likely to abandon the story early on. 2. Shock and Surprise Startle your readers with something they weren’t expecting. Marketers do this a lot - aiming for the shock factor - but it’s just as important if you’re writing a short story or novel. Make it truly shocking and unexpected and you’ll have your readers right where you need them. Related: Did you catch our April 1 'product launch'?   We encounter the unexpected every day - and how we respond is part of our learning process. Injecting something shocking into your writing keeps it real and (most) readers will be intrigued as to how the character handles what’s happened. Is it different from how your reader would respond? Is there something they can learn from this? The shock factor is a sure fire way to get your readers on the hook - because you’ve grabbed their attention. Now you just have to keep them on the hook. 3. Relatability Compelling writing is real, gritty, and doesn’t pull any punches. If you want to keep your readers on the hook, they have to be able to relate to what’s happening in your story. To master relatability, you have to know your audience inside out. What problems do they have? What in their lives causes them the most pain. If your reader encounters a character they can relate to, who has problems as they do, they’re automatically more engaged. Your readers care about the characters they can relate to. They don’t care about the characters they have nothing in common with. Far too often, the reason why you’re not hooking your audience is because you don’t fully understand them. 4. Raise The Stakes You’re writing about real situations (or situations that could be happening to your readers) - but that doesn’t mean you have to confine yourself to strict realism. Your readers have put themselves in your character’s shoes, been shocked by something, and can relate to the problem - so now you have to raise the stakes. What’s the worst thing that could happen to your character right now? Even if it’s not really likely, you have to raise your readers’ investment in the story you’re telling. You’re playing with their emotions now, and you can’t hold back. (Well, you could, but make it too ‘ordinary’ and your readers will slide right off the hook again.) When you raise the stakes, you create that edge-of-the-seat anticipation in your reader. You know, that feeling where you can’t put the book (or tablet, e-reader, magazine, whatever) down because you just have to find out what happens next. That’s exactly what you’re aiming for. 5. Mining The Depths Characters that your readers care about aren’t 2D cardboard cutouts. When you’re creating content - whether fiction or non-fiction - 2D cardboard cutouts aren’t going to get you the results you want. You have to bring your characters to life - so it feels like they’re living, breathing people bursting off the page. You bring your characters to life by creating layer after layer of details. To do that, you need to know everything about your character’s backstory (even if you’re just creating them for a digital marketing campaign!). I’ve had students tell me that it’s way too much effort for content marketing, and should only be for fiction, but it works for me and the results are worth the effort. It’s the little details that bring your character to life. Anchor them in real-life events that have enough detail to make it sound like you’re giving eyewitness testimony in the courtroom. Names, places, feelings, sensations, emotions - build the details until you start to feel like you are giving eyewitness testimony. 6. Make It Memorable Compelling writing leaves a lasting impression on your reader - which makes them remember you. Whether you’re a novelist or a social media marketer, your goal is to ensure that your reader remembers you. Compelling writing inspires loyalty in your readers, building an audience that is already primed to sign up for your mailing list or like your Facebook page. Making an impression on your readers isn’t easy when there are so many other writers trying to do exactly the same thing. You have to stand out. You have to get your hook so deep into your audience that they won’t be able to forget how your writing made them feel, or how your writing changed their life. One way to ensure that your readers remember you and remain firmly on your hook is to leave them with a feeling of unfinished business. Don’t resolve all of the conflicts in your story. Leave an unresolved thread that will be like a constant itch at the back of your reader’s mind. Refining Your Writing    Don’t expect your first draft to be a masterpiece of compelling writing. While some writers may be ready to publish after the second draft, most writers go through multiple drafts. I don’t put a number limit on my drafting process - I redraft until I’m happy that I’ve done everything I can. Sometimes it takes five drafts. Other times it takes fifteen. I’m a ruthless editor, too. Crafting compelling stories isn’t something you can do in an evening, sitting with your laptop on your knee in front of the TV. Cut out all the distractions and immerse yourself in your characters’ world. Distractions and interruptions only dilute the strength of your writing. Give your writing the dedicated time it deserves, and you’ll master the art of writing with an impact much more quickly.       About the author: Ariella is an experienced copywriter, editor, and digital marketing consultant. Driven by a passion for writing and content creation she takes pride in producing articles that deliver the latest information in an engaging manner and marketing campaigns that deliver exceptional results. Ariella has a BA (Hons) in English Language and Creative Writing (First), an MA in Theology and Ministry, and is a published author of three novels and a bestselling non-fiction book. A creative at heart, Ariella has 14 years’ industry experience and always aims to keep abreast of current trends and developments. She lives in the UK with her three beagles Zeke, Hope, and Sandy, who always make life interesting.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Changing Your Address With the Canada Revenue Agency

Changing Your Address With the Canada Revenue Agency When you move, you should notify the Canada Revenue Agency  as soon as possible. Keeping your address up to date will make sure that you receive your income tax refund and benefit payments, including related provincial payments, such as GST/HST credit payments, universal child care benefit payments, Canada child tax benefit payments and working income tax benefit advance payments, without interruption. You cant change your address as youre using NETFILE to file your income taxes online. Personal information is not passed along with the online return. You must change your address before you submit your income tax return by NETFILE. There are several ways to inform the CRA of your change of address. Online Use the My Account Tax Service. By Phone Call the Individual Income Tax Enquiries telephone service at 1-800-959-8281. Complete an Address Change Request Form You can print and complete the address change request form and mail it to the appropriate tax center listed on the bottom of the form. You can fill it in online, then save it to file or print it, sign it and then send it to your tax center, following the CRA instructions. Write or Fax the CRA Send a letter or fax to your CRA tax center. Include your signature, social insurance number, old and new address and the date of your move. If you are including other people in your change of address request, such as your spouse or non-married partner, be sure to include information for each person and make sure each person also signs the letter to authorize the change.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Complete ACT Instructions Expert Guide and Tips

The Complete ACT Instructions Expert Guide and Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What exactly are the instructions on the ACT? Do they really matter? We will go over the complete ACT directions, including the main directions and the specific directions for each section. We’ll show how they reveal tips for how to do well on the test. You may be surprised by how many hints there are in the ACT directions! Furthermore, knowing these directions before test day can save you time and stress – so you can just focus on the questions! So read on to be as prepared as possible for the ACT. Overall ACT Directions These are directions that appear on the front of your test booklet and apply to the entire test. Read the complete directions below, and then we’ll discuss the most important points. Directions and sample questions via ACT's Preparing for the ACT Guide. We'll break down our observations into categories for the main directions since they're pretty long! Calculators You can only use a calculator on the math section. While you likely won’t be tempted to pull out your calculator for English or Reading, some students get confused since the Science section also contains numbers, graphs and charts. However, you cannot use your calculator on the Science section. If you pull out your calculator for a non-calculator section, you can be disqualified and your scores invalidated. Make sure to only have the calculator out for math! Notice that the ACT lists this rule before the even more basic ones about how to fill in answers, meaning they’re very serious about it. Marking Answers The mechanism for marking your answers is pretty basic if you’re taken standardized tests before: â€Å"Decide which answer is best, locate on the answer document the number that matches the question you’re on, fill in the oval completely.† This seems basic, but you need to be careful to check your answers every few questions to make sure you didn’t start filling out the bubbles off by one. How awful would it be if you found most of the right answers but bubbled in your test incorrectly? Also, make sure to â€Å"Use soft lead and make your marks heavy and black.† That means no ink or mechanical pencil. Make sure you bring enough sharpened pencils with you so you don’t have to get up and sharpen your pencil during the test. We suggest bringing at least four, one for each section, plus one for the essay if you’re taking the ACT Plus Writing. One other caution the directions bring up: â€Å"Mark only one answer for each question†¦erase completely if you change your mind.† Basically, you want to make sure your answer key is as clear as possible. You might leave time in the last few minutes of the test to double check your answer key to make sure all answers are filled in and neatly marked. Finally, only responses marked on your answer document are scored. Your booklet is not scored in any way. If you’re marking your answers in the booklet and then transferring a few answers at a time to the answer sheet, be very careful to make sure you don’t run out of time. Remember, you can only get credit for an answer bubbled onto the answer sheet. Guessing You might think that the ACT doesn’t care one way or the other how well you do on the test. Think again. Notice that they say in all caps, bold, and italic that â€Å"IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO ANSWER EVERY QUESTION EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO GUESS† ! They’re right, of course – since there is no point deduction for wrong answers, you can pick up a few extra points by filling in all the bubbles on each section, even if you’ve run out of time and you have to guess. You can read more about smart guessing strategies over here. But as we learn in the next section, you can only guess or fill in random bubbles while a particular section is being tested – you can’t, for example, fill in random bubbles for Math questions when you’ve moved on to Reading. Only Work on the Section at Hand You can work on a section only after the proctor has told you do so. You cannot go ahead to a different section, and you cannot work on a previous section. You can get disqualified for doing this! When I took the ACT last June, that particular rule was repeated several times during testing, so you can bet it’s important. The reason for the rule is that they want to make sure students only use the allotted time to work on each section. This also means you have to lay down your pencil exactly when time is called. You can’t continue to fill in or erase bubbles. Be extra careful when you are in the last five minutes of the test! It’s not worth the risk of having your whole test thrown out just to bubble in one more question. Not all proctors are going to be super strict on this (they might give you a grace period of a few seconds after they call time), but some are – and you don’t want to risk your entire test being cancelled because you’re trying to sneak in a last answer. Also, do not, do not, do not bubble in more answers for a section after you’ve moved on to a new section! Proctors walk around and mark down the last answer you’ve filled in right after a section, so they’ll notice if more bubbles get filled in later in the test. Again, it's not worth getting your test thrown out. ACT English Instructions Here are the complete directions for the English section, followed by the some important points: The directions say â€Å"The test is broken into five passages, each with 15 questions.† This comes out to 75 questions, meaning you have just 36 seconds per question! You’ll have to keep your pacing up during this section to answer all the questions. (This is why we highly recommend you make carefully-timed practice tests an integral part of your ACT practice, by the way!) As to the format, the directions say â€Å"Certain words and phrases are underlined and numbered, the questions each present alternatives for the underlined portions.† The English test is designed to help you move quickly between the question and the part of the passage it’s asking about. Still, you should do practice sections to get used to this format. Check out some example questions below. The test is designed so it's easy to see the part of the passage each question is asking about. The directions also tell you what kind of answers you should be looking for. â€Å"You are to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or is worded most consistently with the style and tone of the passage as a whole.† So if you get stuck on an English question, choose the answer that seems the clearest to you. (Of course, you should read more about the grammar rules you need to know for English so you're not caught unprepared!) Also, for many questions, the wording in the passage is already correct. â€Å"If you think the original version is best, choose 'No Change.'"This can be more often than you think! Don’t be afraid to choose this answer. Some questions are about a paragraph or the passage as a whole, which is why it’s important to at least skim the whole passage. However, we disagree with this part of the directions: â€Å"Read each passage through once before you answer the questions that accompany it.† You don’t actually have to do this. It’s possible to attack the questions immediately and skim the passage for bigger-picture questions. Try a few practice sections using both methods and use the method that works best for you. Finally, keep in mind that â€Å"For many of the questions, you have to read several sentences beyond to answer it.† This is important to remember. Even if you attack the questions immediately, don’t just read the single sentence. Make sure you have enough context to answer with confidence. Remember, you’re looking for the answer choice that makes the passage as a whole as clear as possible! ACT Math Instructions Read the directions below, and we’ll go over the important points: These are the basics of the math section: â€Å"Solve each problem, choose the correct answer, and then fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document.† Again, this seems obvious, but it’s helpful to think of the math section in terms of solving problems. You’re not just finding the right answer, like on the English questions. Math is a bit more involved. The directions offer some very important advice on this, especially given that you’re solving 60 problems in 60 minutes: â€Å"Do not linger over problems that take too much time. Solve as many as you can; then return to the others in the time you have left for this test.† This is a very important strategy. You have approximately one minute per question on math. If you waste five minutes on one question, you lose the opportunity to work on four other questions. We recommend wearing a watch during the test so you can keep an eye on how long you’re taking on each question. Remember from the overall directions that Math is the only section you can use a calculator on. The directions have some good advice about how to use the calculator, as well: â€Å"You may use your calculator for any problems you choose, but some of the problems may best be done without using a calculator.† This is good advice. If you become over-reliant on your calculator you can waste a lot of time on the test or even make silly mistakes if you enter in a number incorrectly. Again, this is why practice is so important. Practice taking math sections with a calculator, and figure out where using a calculator saves you time – and where you tend to waste time. (Learn about the best calculator for the ACT.) Finally, the ACT lays out some ground rules about how the math problems are presented: â€Å"Unless otherwise stated, all of the following should be assumed. Illustrative figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. Geometric figures lie in a plane. The word line indicates a straight line. The word average indicates arithmetic mean.† So what does all this mean? The first rule, â€Å"figures are not drawn to scale† means you can’t solve problems just by looking at the picture and estimating. Many pictures are actually deliberately not drawn to scale to prevent you from taking a shortcut. Remember: you can’t solve any problems by using your fingers to estimate length or an angle. You have to do the math to solve the problems! "Geometric figures lie in a plane"means you can assume that geometric figures are on a flat surface. â€Å"The word line indicates a straight line† is straightforward, and basically allows the test makers to save space when writing directions. â€Å"Arithmetic mean† is the more precise word for average. It just means the sum of all numbers in a set divided by how many numbers there are. The ACT probably specifies "average means arithmetic mean" just to save space when writing questions. ACT Reading Instructions Check out the complete directions below for ACT Reading: Notice the directions say, â€Å"There are several passages in this test.† Actually, there are exactly four! One each of Literature, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Science. Read more about ACT Reading passage types over here. Also, while the directions say â€Å"Each passage is accompanied by several questions,† there are precisely 10 per passage. In other words, every passage is exactly one-fourth of the Reading test. You can use this info to help budget your 35 minutes! ACT says to approach the reading section like this: â€Å"After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on the answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary.† Our advice: You can actually decide if you want to read the questions or the passage first. For some people questions first is easier, others prefer to read the passage first. The best way to tell is to do a few practice sections, trying each method. Stick with the one that feels best to you. Also check out our article about different ways to read the passage for more advice on this. ACT Science Instructions The Science section’s directions are quite similar to reading. Check them out and read our advice below. Again, while the directions vaguely note that â€Å"There are several passages in this test,† actually there are seven! Again, use this to budget your time – you have approximately five minutes for each passage. Just like on the Reading section, the ACT advises you to read the passage first: â€Å"After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary.† Again, you don’t have to read the passage first, you can jump straight to the questions – try it both ways and stick with the strategy that works best for you. (When I took the ACT last June, I found it was much more effective for me to read the questions first on Science and then turn to the section, even though my strategy on Reading was the opposite. Practice, practice, practice so you can develop the best possible strategies for you!) Finally, remember that â€Å"You are NOT permitted to use a calculator on this test.† As we covered above, keep your calculator put away for every section except math! ACT Writing Instructions If you sign up for the ACT Plus Writing, after you complete all of the multiple choice sections you have to write an essay – in just 40 minutes. While you should prepare for the ACT by taking full practice tests so you can build up the stamina you need, you should also familiarize yourself with the essay directions so you waste no time on test day and get straight to your essay. That 40 minutes goes by fast. Check out the complete directions below. The basics are as follows: â€Å"You will have forty (40) minutes to read the prompt, plan your response, and write an essay in English.† Only essays in English will be graded, even if it’s not your first language. Also make sure you use that time wisely. It goes by fast. Practicing the essay is important so you can get quick at planning, drafting, and editing an essay within such a short period. (Read more about the essay over here. The directions say that â€Å"Before you begin working, read all material in this test booklet carefully to understand exactly what you’re being asked to do.†This is important! A big part of doing well on the ACT essay is responding specifically to the prompt and not getting off-topic. Taking an extra minute to fully digest the prompt is a better use of your time than an extra minute to scrawl down any idea that pops into your head. The directions also provide a good summary of how your essay will be graded: "Analyze and evaluate multiple perspectives on a complex issue, state and develop your own perspective on the issue, explain and support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed examples, clearly and logically organize your ideas in an essay, effectively communicate your ideas in standard written English." Translation? Take a stance on the position while acknowledging the other side, stay focused throughout your essay on your stance, use logical arguments and good examples to support your stance, use logical organization, and use clear language. In terms of the logistics, remember this: â€Å"You may use the unlined pages in this test booklet to plan your essay. These pages will not be scored.† Be careful not to spend too much time writing your essay outline – you will only be graded based on what makes it to the lined paper. Also, you might not need all the pages, but don’t skip lines when writing the essay! Even if you think writing every other line makes your essay look neater, this could cause you to run out of room. You can write corrections or additions neatly between the lines of the essay, but do not write in the margins. (These directions actually aren't stated, but they were on the previous year's ACT instructions and we think it makes sense to follow them!) Finally, keep in mind that illegible essays can’t be scored – remember the essay is graded by actual humans! So slow down if you notice your handwriting getting messy. That said, if your handwriting is messy but still readable, your score won’t be affected. This isn’t a penmanship test. So write as fast as you can while keeping your writing decently legible. Longer essays tend to be scored higher than short ones, so don’t sacrifice length for neat handwriting. If you finish early, you can review your essay. Put your pencil down as soon as time is called! Bottom Line The ACT reveals some test-taking strategy in the instructions – some helpful, some not so much. But remember the best way to develop a smart ACT strategy is to take complete practice tests. The more you practice before test day, the better prepared you'll be! Also, make sure you know these rules by heart on test day. You’ll save time if you don’t have to worry about the rules and can just dive into the questions. What’s Next? Looking for ACT practice tests? We’ve got ‘em! What else should you know about the ACT? Get a guide to ACT timing and ACT scoring. How can you prepare for the ACT? Start with our guide to ACT Science, a complete guide to grammar rules for English, and learn how to stop running out of time on Reading and Math. What’s a good ACT score? An amazing one? Find out here. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Problem solving assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problem solving - Assignment Example These calls attention from both parties to read carefully the terms and conditions before putting a sign into a contract. The scenario in question has two parties, Bonnie Hart, who owns a manufacturing firm that produces and distributes sunglasses. Bonnie sees a potential market in the seniors who are not their main target in the normal sunglasses. He opts to manufacture the total eclipse sunglass that would attract seniors. The main attracting feature of the product is the ability to protect the customers from some harmful UV lights. Bonnie takes a step further to advertise her products in the media. To attract more customers, she opts to carry out a promotion that would see some of her customers win a two weeks holiday in Paris. The scratch ticket was to be fixed in the sunglass so that there may be some lucky winners. She contacts her printer Ozzblock Pty Ltd, whom she had entrusted for the printing job. The mistake that Bonnie made was that she signed the document without reading its terms (The City Law School, 2014). The terms were as follows; 2. Notwithstanding clause 7, the printer accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever caused by errors in printing resulting from faulty typesetting work by the printer or any of its employees. Considering these terms, the first one offers to do a considerable good work in proofreading any errors related to printing of the scratch cards before delivery. As a lawyer, I would have advised Bonnie to take Ozzblock to the court because the company did not fulfil its obligation as promised in the agreement. Proofreading was part of the agreement outlined by the contract. The damage is primarily a result of not doing proofreading of the contract from the Ozzblock printers. The case is the same as that of Administration of PNG v Leahy (1961) 105 CLR 6 (Business Law, 2014). In this case, there was a contract between

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Job to die for Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Job to die for - Essay Example (Business Insider) The number of fatalities per 100,000 workers determined this. More dangerous occupations included: Police Officers, Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors, Taxi and Truck Drivers, Farmers, Structural Iron and Steel Workers, Aircraft Pilots, Logging Workers and Fishers (Business Insider). Less dangerous jobs included Grounds Maintenance Workers (Business Insider) Security Guards (The Daily Beast) and, unsurprisingly, Teachers and Librarians (Media Bistro). Construction is understandably dangerous- the risks are apparent. Accidents happen, no matter the occupation, and when accidents take place amongst unfinished buildings and massive machines, there is a great threat of injury or death. But still, Construction is out-dangered by, for instance, farming. In this case, farming is more dangerous because there is still heavy machinery around, but less safety checks and available aid. If someone is injured on a construction site, there will usually be someone around wh o knows what to do, who knows to call for help. But farming takes place primarily in rural areas, where there may not be a hospital or neighbor within miles. Thus, if a piece of equipment injures someone, their chances of reaching help in time are much less, increasing the fatality rate. Another job that is more dangerous than construction is being a police officer. While one might speculate that the most imposing threat, that which takes the most fatalities, would be violent criminals. But no, interestingly, the â€Å"most common cause of death† for Police Officers is â€Å"Transportation incidents.†(Business Insider) This means that, since Police Officers are on the road so much, they are under constant threat from automobile accidents. For the â€Å"safer-than-construction† occupations, Teacher and Librarian were the safest. This was most likely since they spent most of their day inside, in a safe environment. Transportation is not part of those jobs, so driv ing would not be included as a risk. In my research, I found something interesting. Rather than real threatening sounding hazards, the one factor that caused the most causality at work was transportation incidents like car accidents. I then saw the connection- the most dangerous jobs were those in which the workers were moving around the most on a vehicle. Fishermen were constantly on the open sea, pilots often in the air flying, truck and refuse collection drivers were always on the road. And police officers frequently drove between calls. In fact, 6 of the top 10 most dangerous jobs had a â€Å"most common cause of death† of â€Å"Transportation incidents.† (Business Insider) To fight the threat, our most effective course of action should be to reduce the rate of transportation related fatalities. In A Job to Die For it is proposed that distractions are what make transportation related fatalities so prevalent. Thus, to reduce the danger of occupations, we should redu ce distractions. One option would be to fine people who text-messaged while they drove. Another would be to put restrictions on being on the phone while driving. Even surfing the web while

4 Ps (pace, price, promotion, production) analysis Research Paper

4 Ps (pace, price, promotion, production) analysis - Research Paper Example Remember, a wrong approximation of just one aspect can cost the company dearly. Pricing: Different people have different purchasing powers; while some are low income earners, others have high income and their spending is also high. All these customers have one thing in common; they get to determine the price of a commodity being charged based on their perceived value. Therefore, any business should consider the purchasing powers of the people it sells to in the society. McDonald’s China took the opportunity of using the tier pricing model as of 2007, to sell its products at a range of prices (adjusted to consumer index and income level among other costs in the partitioned areas) to its potential consumers, who had varying purchasing powers (Ko, 4). The price given for a commodity should also be considered; it is not always that lowering prices could generate profits. In fact, some consumers could feel as if the quality is being compromised. Again, high prices could push consumers to other alternative solutions. By 2008, McDonald China among other fast foo d companies had raised products costs to cover for the material costs harmoniously (Ko 4). The strategy was reasonable since it was done in union; hence no company was getting a competitive advantage over the other. Deciding on a product price should consider competitors price among other factors. Similarly, pricing should make room for customer discounts, especially while targeting a specific market. According to Ko, McDonald employed the plan by offering coupons to customers who shopped for their products online via Taobao. Com, as an encouragement to place food orders online (3). Product: The creation of the product is always under scrutiny from the consumer’s side; before being produced, the consumers’ preference and needs should be researched. Each age, group, or culture could want something different from the other, and it has to be considered. While others want their cultures to be incorporated, others want a totally different feel. At one point McDonald’s fantastic rice burger was not appealing to mainland Chinese consumers, even if the rice wa s their staple food (Ko 3). Assuming they had ventured fully without the test, it could have cost them heavily. Unlike KFC, McDonald and Burger King had experienced low returns initially, because their products were made of beef instead of chicken, which was well accepted and suited to the Chinese (Ko 9). With time the wants or preferences change, and the company has to adjust with the changes. Today, some Chinese prefer alternative food instead of their locals, hence McDonald use the opportunity to create and offer the western brand , for example beef burgers alongside chicken burgers, hence giving the people a choice. The product name (such as McDonald), trademark, and the unique brand have to differentiate it from the competitors and market itself within the society. Another important factor is the packaging for consumer familiarity, quantity, and quality to be worth the price. Promotion: It covers all types of the marketing communication, from TVs, Radio, internet, shows, poster s, and the press to conduct advertisements. Most of this advertising comes with a cost for airing the information to the society, but there are other cheaper modes of marketing communication. One basic, though expensive strategy that McDonald Company did upon entry in China was to seek a partnership through joint ventures with local

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Capabilities and competencies.The scope of capabilities is not only Essay

Capabilities and competencies.The scope of capabilities is not only specific but its horizon is also quite vast - Essay Example SWOT Analysis 12 5.1 Strengths 13 5.2 Weaknesses 13 5.3 Opportunities 13 5.4 Threats 13 6. The Balanced Scorecard 14 6.1 Balanced Scorecard as a Measure of Strategic Capabilities 14 6.1.1 Translating the Vision 15 6.1.2 Communicating and Linking   15 6.1.3 Business Planning 15 6.1.4 Feedback and Learning 15 7. Resource Based View (RBV) 15 Appendices 17 Appendix-I: Tour Operator Market Share in Europe 17 Appendix-II: Four Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard 18 Bibliography 19 1. Capabilities and its Importance Generally capabilities and competencies are used interchangeably in literature, however in terms of business and organizational culture, the scope of capabilities is not only specific but its horizon is also quite vast. A capability is a fairly large scale unit of analysis which makes the organization and individual to recognize its purpose with respect to substantial outcomes (Dosi et al, 2000). According to Leonard (1992), â€Å"capability is the knowledge set that distingui shes and provides competitive advantage†. ... Therefore, organizational capabilities play a key role between human resource and the business strategy, thus making it a proactive source of competitive advantage (Ulrick and Lake 1991). (b) Organizational capabilities raise the competency level of individuals and reinforce positive values in the organization. (c) Organizational capabilities help the managing staff to formulate the business strategies basing on the strengths and weaknesses of the available manpower (Barney 1991). (d) These capabilities derive the required consequences like satisfaction of both the stakeholders and customers (Ulrich and Lake 1991; Yeung and Berman 1997). 2. Resources and Capabilities of TUI 2.1 Background TUI, abbreviated for Touristik Union International, was established in 1968 with headquarters located at Berlin, Germany. TUI is the largest integrated tourism group in Europe, lagging far behind its competitors with a turnover of about â‚ ¬ 21,866 million in 2008. Initially, it worked as Preussa g AG and gained a renowned fame in the field of transportation and industrial sector till 2001. This year, it became a 100% subsidiary of Preussag AG. In next year, Preussag AG was transformed into TUI AG ( During next few years, TUI developed and changed its production from industrial segment to a modern tourism and shipping company. The general credibility of the TUI is quite excellent and strategically today TUI is the largest and leading tourism and shipping organization of the world, operationally active mainly in Central, Northern and Western Europe while it has the networks across the Europe as well. The inventory of TUI

Team Evaluation Tool Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Team Evaluation Tool - Assignment Example Various tools can be used to help in achieving quality based team performance. One of the tools that prove to be more useful is brainstorming. Every team has both strengths and weaknesses, which highly influence the direction of the organization. Brainstorming in the team will help identify strengths and areas that need improvement (Glasman, 1986). Brainstorming helps to come up with proper suggestions on better ways for improving team performance. In connection to the above, brainstorming improves leadership performance, as a leader will identify the areas that need more concentration. When the deficiencies have been identified, then the team and the manager will proceed in implementing them hence quality and strong leadership and team performance (Parry, 1997). Performance appraisal is another useful tool that can be utilized to help in evaluating the team as well as the leadership performance. The performance evaluation allows both the management and the individual team players identify their strengths and weaknesses. The method gives space for better and quality team performance and leadership performance (Narayan-Parker, 1993). Barksdale, S., Lund, T., & American Society for Training and Development. (2001). Rapid evaluation: Tools, worksheets, and job aids to help you: develop an evaluation strategy, use the right evaluation approach, understand, and analyze evaluation data. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training &

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Capabilities and competencies.The scope of capabilities is not only Essay

Capabilities and competencies.The scope of capabilities is not only specific but its horizon is also quite vast - Essay Example SWOT Analysis 12 5.1 Strengths 13 5.2 Weaknesses 13 5.3 Opportunities 13 5.4 Threats 13 6. The Balanced Scorecard 14 6.1 Balanced Scorecard as a Measure of Strategic Capabilities 14 6.1.1 Translating the Vision 15 6.1.2 Communicating and Linking   15 6.1.3 Business Planning 15 6.1.4 Feedback and Learning 15 7. Resource Based View (RBV) 15 Appendices 17 Appendix-I: Tour Operator Market Share in Europe 17 Appendix-II: Four Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard 18 Bibliography 19 1. Capabilities and its Importance Generally capabilities and competencies are used interchangeably in literature, however in terms of business and organizational culture, the scope of capabilities is not only specific but its horizon is also quite vast. A capability is a fairly large scale unit of analysis which makes the organization and individual to recognize its purpose with respect to substantial outcomes (Dosi et al, 2000). According to Leonard (1992), â€Å"capability is the knowledge set that distingui shes and provides competitive advantage†. ... Therefore, organizational capabilities play a key role between human resource and the business strategy, thus making it a proactive source of competitive advantage (Ulrick and Lake 1991). (b) Organizational capabilities raise the competency level of individuals and reinforce positive values in the organization. (c) Organizational capabilities help the managing staff to formulate the business strategies basing on the strengths and weaknesses of the available manpower (Barney 1991). (d) These capabilities derive the required consequences like satisfaction of both the stakeholders and customers (Ulrich and Lake 1991; Yeung and Berman 1997). 2. Resources and Capabilities of TUI 2.1 Background TUI, abbreviated for Touristik Union International, was established in 1968 with headquarters located at Berlin, Germany. TUI is the largest integrated tourism group in Europe, lagging far behind its competitors with a turnover of about â‚ ¬ 21,866 million in 2008. Initially, it worked as Preussa g AG and gained a renowned fame in the field of transportation and industrial sector till 2001. This year, it became a 100% subsidiary of Preussag AG. In next year, Preussag AG was transformed into TUI AG ( During next few years, TUI developed and changed its production from industrial segment to a modern tourism and shipping company. The general credibility of the TUI is quite excellent and strategically today TUI is the largest and leading tourism and shipping organization of the world, operationally active mainly in Central, Northern and Western Europe while it has the networks across the Europe as well. The inventory of TUI

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Evaluating the human resource development in public and private sector Dissertation

Evaluating the human resource development in public and private sector IN Oman - Dissertation Example The overall aim of evaluating the human resource development in public and private sector in Oman cannot be achieved in the absence of a benefiting research design. The researcher shall therefore use the case study research design to conduct the present study. With the case study research design, the researcher shall be offered the opportunity to select specific scenarios and cases for both the private and public sectors in Oman to investigate in. The case study shall also offer the opportunity of meeting and interacting with the most suitable and appropriate respondents whose inputs would affect the research positively. In the course of the case study, the researcher shall select specific institutions, companies and organizations that fall under both the private and public sectors. These institutions, companies and organizations shall also have different industrial background so that a well balanced and comprehensive view of human resource development as it cuts across different qua rters of Oman shall be seen. This is to say that the case study shall not be limited to specific industries or service providers. The researcher shall build a sample size that shall be made up of two hundred (200) respondents. These two hundred (200) respondents shall be solicited from as many as forty (40) different organizations and institutions. This means that there shall be five (5) respondents from each company. Among the companies, there shall be twenty (20) from the private sector and twenty (20) from the public sector.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How much Macbeths character changes during the course of the play Essay Example for Free

How much Macbeths character changes during the course of the play Essay By reference to three key scenes, shoe how much Macbeths character changes during the course of the play: Act I scene VII, Act III scene IV, Act V scene III The first we hear of Macbeth is when a bloodied soldier looking valiant after battle with great gaping wounds, describes a Great War hero: For brave Macbeth well he deserves that name. Shakespeare uses this speech to show Macbeths loyalty by saying he fought off a whole army and all for king and country. He also said their enemy ran away, then launched another attack and that Macbeth and Banquo fought it off even with their severe wounds: They meant to bath in reeking wounds And they still repelled the second attack, as though with renewed strength: So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe. We can see from this that Macbeth is a noble, loyal and trusted man, let alone a war hero. After Macbeth meets the witches, his personality begins to change. He becomes consumed with ambitions. In my understanding it was always there, like a petrol station with petrol running everywhere and leaky gas mains (always a fire hazard), the witches just threw in a Zippo. They had given him two predictions: 1) They greeted him as thane of Cawdor Hail thane of Cawdor (which he wasnt) 2) Then as king hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hear after. After meeting the witches, the Kings messenger came to him and named him thane of Cawdor. He is very surprised at this and writes a letter home to his wife telling her about the things the witches had said, how out of the blue he had become thane of Cawdor and even mentioned about becoming king. This is where Shakespeare introduses Macbeths more sinister side: Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock upon my ribs As we can see Macbeth is starting to think of murder. We get another insight into his character from Lady Macbeth. She says that she thinks that he will be too kind to actually commit murder, and that she will have to do most of it then persuade him: Yet I do fear thy nature it is too full o th milk of human kindness We can see from this quote that Macbeth has a conscience and that his wife believes that he would grieve afterwards. When Duncan arrives at Macbeths castle, a banquet is held. We can se in Macbeths opening soliloquy (a dramatic technique show the audience what he is thinking) that he doesnt want to carry on with the murder as he says Could trammel up consequences By Shakespeares use of the word trammel we can se he is thinking of death and if he could just be done with it and that was it, it would be fine but he knows there will be consequences for killing the king: Hear upon this bank and shoal of time, Wed jump thr life to come This shows that the Elizabethans believed in the after life. He also refers to the Elizabethan belief of the king being chosen by god: His virtues will plead like angels trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off Later on in the scene we see that Macbeth doesnt want to go through with the murder and wants to call it off: We will proceed no further in this business And he gives three reasons he is his host as his host He is his kin I am his kinsman and his subject Duncan has been extremely kind to him Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek So to make Macbeth commit the murder Lady Macbeth taunts him and calls him a coward: When you durst do it then you were a man And at this Macbeth wants to do it to prove he is not a coward and we can see this from his next line: If we should fail showing he is thinking about the murder. Although Macbeth can wash Duncans blood from his hands he cannot wash it from his conscience: Will all great Neptunes oceans wash this blood clear from my hand? No Macbeth is duly crowned king Banquo reveals his suspicions about Macbeth in a soliloquy: Thou hast it now king, Cawdor, Glamis, all the wired women promised and I fear thou playdst most foully fort Macbeth holds a banquet and invites every one. After this Macbeth hires an assassin to kill Banquo and Fleance his son. Macbeth seems to be losing his moral standing the further he gets into the play. Banquo sacrifices his life to save his son and Fleance gets away. The assassin shows up at the banquet and stands at the door to give Macbeth the news there is blood upon thy face The murderer then seeks praise for the murder of Banquo: Macbeth then asks about Fleance and is agitated to hear that he is still alive: The worm thats fled hath nature in time will venom breed, no teeth for the time present Shakespeare uses a metaphor to show how Macbeth is afraid of Banquo and Fleance Macbeth then goes to sit down at the table but he thinks his place is taken and when the figure stands up it is the ghost of Banquo. No one else can see the ghost. It is only by Macbeths speeches that we can tell he can see a ghost. Macbeth is very scared and starts shouting but Lady Macbeth calms everything down. In a stage whisper, She calls him a coward and says that it is just like the dagger he saw pointing to Duncans room the ghost vanishes and he calms down and they send every one home saying he will be fine in the morning. Shakespeare usage of a ghost reflects king James fascination with the supernatural and the Elizabethans general belief in spirits and ghosts. He also uses stage whispers sililoquy and the idea of no one seeing the ghost except Macbeth, which could just be him hallucinating. So we are not entirely sure whether there really is a ghost there or the pressure of all the killing has got to him and he has flipped and had hallucinations. After this he is still paranoid and so to stop this he goes to see the witches again and this time the show him three visions. 1) Beware Macduff 2) None of woman bore shall harm Macbeth 3) Macbeth shall never vanquished be Until great Birnam wood comes to Dunsunane hill He is woken up by Lenox and decides to kill Macduff to be safe but he has fled to England to help Malcolm at this Macbeth is so angry he orders the assassins to kill his wife and kids and this shows a complete depletion of his morals. He as ordered assassins to go kill innocent children and women without a second thought. There has been a character reversal and now Macbeth has no morals and lady Macbeth as been driven mad with guilt. At the start, Macbeth would not kill Duncan and Lady Macbeth drove him to it. In the next scene Macbeth is getting hundreds of reports of the English force amassing on the horizon, but of-coarse he had the predications from the witches and feels confident. He doesnt worry about them Bring me no more reports, let them fly all. Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane This shows an air of self-confidence and pride. He even accuses Thanes that ran away of being false which was very ironic as he killed the king then fly false thanes. From his opening speech we can see he thinks he is invincible: The mind I sway by and the heart I bear shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear. When his servant comes he is white and pale so Macbeth calls him lily liveried, because the Elizabethans believed that courage came from the liver. When the doctor said that there was no cure for lady Macbeth that she had to cure herself Macbeth insulted him, which is a valid point, as King James 1st didnt believe in doctors. Macduff and Malcolms army burst into the castle and the first wave come to find Macbeth and die until Macduff finds him and they fight. Macduff tells Macbeth he was born by caesarean section and so was not born of woman and he kills Macbeth. In conclusion I would say that Macbeths character changes drastically throughout the play. At the start he is a good and noble soldier who would never betray the king but gets persuaded easily by his wife. Then as the story progresses we see him start to lose morals as he orders the killing of Banquo on his own but is still upset about it, we can see that because of his hallucinations (seeing the ghost). Then he orders the killing of lady Macduff and her children showing he has gone of the scale and is totally evil. Whilst fighting Macduff he is arrogant and spares his life at one point in the fight. So when Macbeth is told that Macduff is not born of women he is shocked and dies a wicked fool. So we see the down fall of such a brave character we saw at the start because of a few predictions and the ambition. For if he saw what being king would do to him I doubt he would have wanted to be king and would have been contented but was tricked by the evil of the witches.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Negative Influences of Media

Negative Influences of Media The Negative Influences of Media â€Å"Each year, the average American spends 1550 hours of TV, listens to 1160 hours of radio, and spends 290 hours reading newspapers and magazines,† (Workingpsychology). Media comes in all shapes and sizes: television, radio, magazines, internet, music, video games, advertisements and movies. Media is all around us; in our homes, cars, markets and even schools. Teens and young children are easily influenced by media, which affects their character and behavior (Debatepedia). Parents should take actions to save their child from losing their morals. According to Workingpsychology, TV is the most popular form of media. Statistics say that, â€Å"Television is the best studied medium and the average teenager watches it for more than three hours a day,† (NYTimes). With all the TV that kids watch, it is no wonder as to why some kidsdisplay inappropriate behavior. Parents constantly tell their children to stop doing what they see on television, but wouldnt it be easier for th em to simply censor the things they watch? Also, the â€Å"cool† things that media glorifies influence teens to want things that are not essential (Buzzle). Teens are also very active on the internet which has negative effects on their young immature minds. Media from all these sources can also mature a child too fast. Things such as sexual activities should be taught when the time is right, not when a child stumbles upon it (NYTimes). Media is everywhere you turn and kids are constantly influenced by it. With all this exposure to media, teens and children are susceptible to negative influences; therefore, parents should censor what their children watch and hear. Teens and kids are negatively influenced by Hollywood movies, magazines, and videogames. According to Debatepedia, â€Å"Hollywood films glorify sex and violence, attacking the moral values of all societies and leading their young astray.† Teens that constantly watch movies that are not censored can easily lose theirmoral values. They also believe that the characters† actions are acceptable, so they imitate them. Celebrities that are constantly in the media, such as Amy Winehouse, glorify the use of drugs and alcohol (Buzzle). Some teens believe that celebrities are ideal role models and feel that it is okay to emulate their actions. This is wrong since celebrities are usually in the mediadue tosex scandals and drug usage. Kids and teens look at these celebrities and say that they want to be exactly like them (NYTimes). Most popular video games which many teens play also demonstrate violence (Buzzle). Parents should pay attention to the rating of the games in order to pr event the minds of their child from being corrupt. Parents and guardians should be aware of the movies and magazines that their children view to preserve their character and morals. Teens are widely influenced by music and advertisements. Almost all teens and kids listen to music; however, some lyrics that kids listen to are not appropriate for their age (NYTimes). Kids that are only 10 or 11 years old listen to songs about sex. This is immoral, due to the fact that kids at that age are premature and should not be exposed to that kind of influence until they are ready. Also, advertisements on TV and billboards are displayed to children and teens daily. According to NYTimes, â€Å"Teens are showed an estimated amount of 50 advertisements per day.† Most advertisements that kids and teens see are regarding weight loss. By seeing the advertisements, kids are motivated to lose weight by enduring unhealthy diets and unhealthy techniques (NYTimes). When teens cannot afford the item that is being advertised, they find other ways to lose weight such as Bulimia (Buzzle). Teens are influenced into doing things that can potentially kill them. Advertisements on TV als o influence kids and teens to want things that are not essential (Buzzle). This wastes their parents money and creates a character that is spoiled and not knowledgeable. The influence of advertisements has proven to be negative because of the things that they promote. Both advertisements and music has a possibility of dehumanizing and corrupting a young adults mind. Parents should censor the music that has bad influences. Parents should also teach and censor their young ones from believing advertisements. By far, teenagers and children are the ones who are mostly influenced by internet and television. As years go by, the internet is becoming more and more popular among the teenagers. However, if an immature teenager or child stumbles across inappropriate things such as pornography, it can artificially age them (NYTimes). Logically, children and teens should mature at their own paces. Instead of accidentally coming across these inappropriate things, students should learn about this at school. Instead of simply letting kids go on the computer, parents should censor inappropriate websites. Another culprit of media influence is television. Television is popular among kids; in fact, â€Å"Television is the best studied medium, and the average teenager watches it for more than three hours a day,† (NYTimes). Some believe that television is just used for entertainment, but they are oblivious to the negative influences. The shows that teens watch such as â€Å"Laguna Beach†, glor ify sex and alcohol, which for some ages is not appropriate (NYTimes). These shows can contribute to negative behaviors of teens. Most teens take what they see on TV and reenact them in order to be â€Å"cool† (NYTimes). Also, most television shows that revolve around comedy make fun of nationalities and races (The CuteKid). This encourages kids to become discriminative towards others which can corrupt them and possibly turn them into racists (The CuteKid). As parents, they should either block certain channels or shows; or watch the shows with their children. If not handled properly, kids and teens can be corrupted by society. Although the negative influences of media is widely recognized, some believe that media has positive influences on teens and children. Some argue that, â€Å"Media has enhanced overall knowledge,† (Buzzle). However if children and teens have knowledge of things that are not suitable for their age group, they can very well age too quickly which will affect their growth as adults. Others might argue that media is a good resource because it helps teenagers embrace technology (Buzzle). Although kids embrace technology, such as the internet, they are distracted from their school work and their other priorities. If kids take in too much too fast, they can be overwhelmed and be consumed by it. Others, might also plead that media informs kids about drugs, sex, smoking and alcohol (Buzzle). In response, children and teens that are informed to early about unjustifiable actions, can affect their aging process. Also, some kids, although informed not to do drugs and alcohol, are too young to understand the consequence; and in the state of being immaturity, might try it to be cool or to fit into the â€Å"in† crowd. With this vital information, it is evident that the negative influences outweigh the positive influences. With all the negative influences in the world, teens should not fall into the trap of the media. Media can create a void inside a young adults life that can be irreversible (Buzzle). Teens and kids should age at their own pace, not by listening and watching the media. Parents should do their kids a favor and censor the things they view. If parents do so, they can be a proud to know that they tried their best to raise an adult with good morals and ethics. Works Cited Brody, Jane. Children, Media and Sex: A Big Book of Blank Pages. The New York Times Breaking News, World News Multimedia. 31 Jan. 2006. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. . Debate: Hollywoods Influence Debatepedia. Welcome to Debatepedia! Debatepedia, Debatepedia the Wikipedia of Debates. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. . Media Influence Bad Influence of Media on Children. TheCuteKid. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. . Media Effects on Teenagers. Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. . Rhoads, Kelton. Everyday Influence and Persuasion: the Media. Working Psychology: Applying Psychology to Influence, Persuasion Teamwork. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Anti-Consumerism in the Works of Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Roth Essay

Anti-Consumerism in the Works of Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Roth    After World War II, Americans became very concerned with "keeping up with the Joneses." Everyday people were not only interested in fulfilling the American Dream because of the optimistic post-war environment, but also because of the economic emphasis on advertising that found a new outlet daily in highway billboards, radio programs, and that popular new device, the television. With television advertising becoming the new way to show Americans what they did not (and should) have came a wide-eyed and fascinated interest in owning all kinds of things, products, and devices suddenly necessary in every home. One could not only hear about new necessary items, but see them as well. Meanwhile, marketplaces and small shops were being dismantled to create the supermarket, a temple of consumerism where any passerby may walk in and purchase almost anything he or she desires without a thought of their neighbor, who runs the suffering little fruit stand around the corner. The literary rebellion o f the 1960's was concerned, in part, with the desire to break down this growing consumer culture. Not everyone was so easily lulled by the singsong mottoes and jingles of television advertising and the call of the national supermarket. Poets like Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and Jack Kerouac began struggling, in writing, against the oppression of having. As Buddhists, these writers saw the growing desire to fill whims and wants with items easily purchased as harmful to the ability to transcend suffering (instead of eliminating it). Combining the strategies of Asian Buddhist monks with American transcendentalist theory provided by Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emer... ...e when the rest of the nation was blindly enjoying their television programs and the convenience of the supermarket, these writers made strong statements warning against the love of things. During the 50's and 60's, many middle- and upper-class Americans had worked hard to afford conveniences, but Ginsberg, Kerouac, and Roth would say that it is not enough to "deserve" your participation in the consumerist culture. Rather, they would say the consumerist culture, by nature, is mentally and culturally enslaving and to be avoided when possible for the sake of the integrity of the individual spirit. Works Cited: Allen, Donald (ed.). The New American Poetry 1945-1960. Berkeley, CA: U. of California P. 1960. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: Penguin Books. 1958. Roth, Philip. Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories. New York: Modern Library. 1959.